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Authentic Thai Cooking Classes
in Marin & Bay Area

Private and Group Instruction with a trained Thai Chef

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Herbs and Condiment
Raw Beef Steak
Lemon Cake
Fish Appetizer
Plum Cake
Fresh Feta Salad
Preparing Dough
Seasoning Steak
Food Preparation
Cooking Class
Cooking Eggs
Exquisite Thai Cooking


Chef Anchalee



Welcome to Exquisite Thai Cooking with Anchalee, thank you so much for choosing my cooking class to be your guide to help you improve your Thai cooking. And I am very glad to be here to help you with the cooking process from scratch.


My name is Anchalee, I immigrated from Thailand to Marin in 2021, I am a native Thai, and I was born and raised in Bangkok Thailand.

.I’ve cherished Thai cuisine since childhood, starting my culinary journey at 8. I knew that I loved cooking since I was young.  I grew up in my Mom's kitchen, and every day I had opportunities to observe the way my Mom cooked.  At that time I didn't realize that I was learning how to cook from her.

In 2012,  I went to Suan Dusit University for a "Royal Thai Culinary School" in Bangkok Thailand. This more formal education gave me a chance to get to know better about my Thai foods and my own Thai culture, and it also inspired and made me feel even more excited to explore Thai foods in the world. Now I wish to pass this on to others!

Thanks again, for giving me a chance to help you to improve your Thai cooking. If you have any questions about Thai cooking don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

mango sticky rice
“Anchalee! You are above and beyond. And because of you, we now know how to make green curry and mango sticky rice”

Sophie W, CA

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